Sunday, January 26, 2014

springing into action in 2014

Hi Class!

Welcome to Junior Animation, where you will make an animated short from the animatic you created last semester in Storyboarding.

As a reminder, these are the guidelines for the piece:

• 90 seconds to 2 minutes in duration, including titles but not credits
• in order to be accepted as finished, the work must be:
- fully animated and colored as per the agreed-upon design aesthetic
- equipped with a fully-realized soundtrack (sound effects and/or music)
- a 1920 x 1080, H.264-compressed Quicktime movie
- handed in on May 5th (Cinqo de Mayo) for the May 6th Junior & Sophomore Animation screening, to be held at 7pm in Connelly Auditorium, Terra Building, 8th floor.

This is your first opportunity to make a fully-realized animated film of your own creation. It is a large undertaking that requires organization, discipline, perseverance, and inspiration. As your first major work, it is also an experiment, and you will make many mistakes and discoveries throughout the next 15 weeks. The main thing is to keep your eye on the overall target and to make consistent, regular progress towards your goal of completion - do not let the speed bumps throw you off course.

I will serve as your guide and producer, your cattle prod and your fellow problem-solver, and you will be part of a class where everyone is expected to contribute constructive criticism and share in the process of making a film.

So let's have at it and make some animation!

~ Chris

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